43 Courses
Digistorm regroupe 12 outils pour la classe, notamment des tirages au sort, un chronomètre, un compte-à-rebours,…. avec des interactions en temps réel et sans avoir à communiquer d’informations personnelles.
Digistorm vous permet de créer des sondages, des remue-méninges, des questions et des nuages en matos, avec des interactions en temps réel et sans avoir à communiquer d’informations personnelles.
Have you ever wondered... why my students pay more attention to actors and actresses in their favourite series than to me? Welcome! You are not the only one. Kids love cinema. They are constantly influenced by visuals in TV, in streaming platforms, in Youtube... They pay attention during hours to the screen. Everything would be so much easier if these films and series would explain to them what teachers need to explain. But... we could reverse the situation. Why not making our students be the actors and actresses for one day? Filming in the classroom as part of our lessons and, let’s be honest, they could have so much fun with this activity.
Want to know how? Let’s start.
Course management tools allow us to do the same thing teachers have been doing for decades when they must communicate with parents or students, publish the grades of exams, assess or mark assignments. When we talk about course management tools, we are talking about online platforms such as the well-known Moodle, in which we do all these actions to manage our courses and the students enrolled in those courses. They facilitate our work and are an effective and safe channel of communication between teachers and the rest of the educational community.
Want to know more? Go ahead and start the course.
Podcasts are listened every day by thousands of people. There are thousands of topics and channels which upload every week a new episode. They usually have a long duration, although you can also find short episodes too. People listen to them while cooking, drawing, or just focus their complete attention in listening to the podcast. They are a source of knowledge and entertainment that you can listen to whenever you want, even download them.
Podcasts can be used in the classroom. Teachers can use them to convey knowledge and teach their students, while the pupils can create their own podcasts as task in which they first research and then share what they have learnt. There are plenty of options. Podcasts are a versatile learning tool. They offer room for innovation and creativity.
The Flipped Classroom is a pedagogical approach in which “the classroom is flipped”. The traditional teaching method resembles the conference mode of speaking: the teacher is the protagonist and explains in front of all his/her students the theory prepared for the day. Meanwhile, the pupils sit in their desks carefully (and apparently) listening. But are we making sure that they learn and will remember what is being explained? The Flipped Classroom approach tries to change the course of the lessons and transform the student in an active learner that comes to class already knowing the theory and ready to experiment with it.
For the past centuries, teachers all around the world have used boards. Whiteboards, chalkboards, magnetic boards, digital boards... What happened when we all started using the internet, cameras and microphones is that a new education era started: online lessons, online classrooms and a remote teaching-learning experience. Creativity has no limits when it comes to teaching a whole class through the lens of our laptop camera. Somehow, we have succeeded in conveying the same messages than when we are in a classroom. Nevertheless, sometimes teachers, and undoubtedly, students, need an extra push, an extra help. Usually, as teachers, we need to write down information, the homework our students must do for the following lesson, key concepts, letters, words, or even drawings, right? That is why we need an instrument such as an interactive whiteboard that we can use. Just by sharing our screen! Some of them have even been integrated into the apps we use to teach (Microsoft teams or Google Meet).
Want to know more? Start the lesson!
Have you ever wondered how cartoon films are made? Plus, have you ever seen a kid watching cartoons, so concentrated that not even a fly could distract him or her? Today you will learn a secret: you can do it. Internet has gifted us with extensive knowledge and a variety of resources that we can all use for free.
An explainer video is a short, animated video promoting a product. Commonly used in business, you can also apply it to education to explain concepts in an easy and engaging way.
Want to know more? Start the lesson!
During the last decades there has been an increment in the teaching and learning of languages over the world. The 20th century brought multiple teaching merthods and approaches, philosophies and advocates that defended what the best way to learn a language was. Today, teachers have all these ideas withing their grasp and can select the method that best fits their interests and objectives.
In this course, you will learn about an approach introduced by Scott Thornbury: dogme. This is a student-centred approach that encourages the use of communication and learning without the dependent use of resources or handbooks. Dogme can be useful in the digital era, as well as in the in-person lessons, and it is a creative way of breaking patterns to which our students are used to. We will propose three activities you can use in your classroom without materials.
Avec ce cours, vos élèves apprennent à situer des objets sur un quadrillage, en version "papier" dans un premier temps puis en version "virtuelle" ensuite.
Bonne découverte!
Par cette activité, les élèves développent des compétences mathématiques de manière ludique!
Enjoy Learning & Teaching @ EOOTB platform
Have fun ...
Discover Luxembourg's Castles!
You will have to discover the place & the name of the castle displayed!
The images have been transformed into old colors (black & white)
In order to help you, find the right name & location, there is still a small part in existing colors.
A small frame of the image has been blurred and you will have the task to draw the blanked parts in the frame.
A visit on site would be useful to complete the drawing.
Learn to recognize your surroundings and be curious about the historical places in European countries.
& Have fun ...
Throughout this series of classes, you will have the opportunity to practice math exercises with a focus on CALCULATIONS and FRACTIONS.
We recommend that you proceed with the exercises in ascending order because the difficulty increases and often the exercise depends on the previous course in order to have a full understanding of the data included in the exercise.
& have fun ...
Ideas for a play are a matter of imagination. From simple pantomime theatre games to complex emotion theatre games, we can take advantage of this theatre activity for many reasons!
learn to play with your environment and to enjoy being outdoor
Discover the nature
Be Creative
Be Curious
Be aware of your surrounding
enjoy nature
Have fun!