Прескочи на основното съдържание

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  • Step 1

    Searching photos and videos on the net about grape harvesting and share them with the kids. Discuss about where and how it’s taking place and what products we can get out of this. We all agree to have our own vineyard outdoor, the next day.

    Teachers are getting supplies of grapes and vines enough for the activity.

    • Step 2

      Next morning, teachers are setting up the grapes and vines on hanging ropes. They are tying empty baskets on the wooden horse with the wheels for the transportation. They place one big, empty basin close enough and a small basin with water for children to wash their feet.

      • Step 3

        Collecting the grapes to the basketCutting grapes from the vineyardChildren are deciding in which team they will work. Some of them are collecting the grapes to the basket, two kids are carrying them to the basin on the horse and the other kids wash their feet so that they will be ready to stomp them.

        • Step 4

          Straining on bare feetAll groups are doing their work. Some teachers are helping them and some teachers are taking photos for the display board.

          At the end teachers are collecting the grape juice and they are straining it with the children watching them and talking about the procedure.