Прескочи на основното съдържание

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  • Step 1

    Invite kids and parents for a fun Saturday evening in the schoolyard. Organize the outdoor for our guests and set the light projector and the screen. Put the finger puppets and the big puppets in a box and some nature objects in another box. Prepare the laptop and the pictures you will project. Don't forget to get pictures and videos on the procedure.

    • Step 2

      Show to the kids what happens when you pass by the light and let them experiment with third bodies. Give them the box with the puppets and play with them in front of the light, encouraging their observations.

      • Step 3

        Give them the box with nature objects and look for more around in the yard. Notice and discuss their different shapes, shades and various sizes on the screen.

        Use the laptop to project similar objects and see the difference.

        • Step 4

          Use the photos and videos from the activity for the evaluation.