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  • Self-assessment based on the European Digital Competence Framework for Educators (DigCompEdu) and created by https://digital-competence.eu/).

    This self-assessment tool is based on the European Digital Competence Framework for Educators (DigCompEdu). DigCompEdu sets out 22 competences organized in six Areas. The competences are explained at six different levels of proficiency (A1, A2, B1, B2, C1, C2). The focus of the framework is to support and encourage teachers in using digital tools to enhance and innovate education.

    This tool aims to allow you to reflect on your strengths and weaknesses in using digital technologies in education. We invite you to self-assess yourself against 22 items that are representative for the 22 competences in DigCompEdu.


  • Overview

  • How can Educators develop their digital competence ?

  • Facilitating learners' digital competence

    Facilitating learners' digital competence is the sixth chapter of DigCompEdu. For the full document, see https://joint-research-centre.ec.europa.eu/digcompedu_en

  • Digital Learnings and European Teacher Education

    Dr. Francesca Caena has an interdisciplinary background in education research, policy and practice. Her professional experiences and interests span policy-oriented international studies, school and teacher education, and competence frameworks. She has worked for the European Commission’s in-house science service (JRC Unit Human Capital and Employment – researcher for LifeComp European Key Competence Framework development), the European Commission DG Education and Culture (research support for the Working Group School Policy and Teacher Professional Development), and for the OECD (high-level expert for TALIS Initial Teacher Preparation study). Dr Caena has MA degrees in Modern Foreign Languages as well as Education Research (Venice University); her PhD Ed. (2010, Padua University) focused on comparative analysis of European Teacher Education case studies following the Bologna process. Her track record (book publications, reports, articles in peer-reviewed journals; invited keynote contributions to international conferences; reviewer/editor for research journals, e.g. the European Journal of Education) reflects sustained interest and participation in debate on education and training policy and practice across stakeholder groups. Her latest publications regard theoretical underpinnings of LifeComp European Competence Framework (2019), and conceptualisations of the Learning to Learn competence (2020). (https://www.tandfonline.com/)

  • Digital tools - See "SAMR model: a way to evaluate how you are incorporating technology into your instructional practice" for further details

    The Padagogy Wheel is designed to help educators think – systematically, coherently, and with a view to long term, big-picture outcomes – about how they use mobile apps in their teaching. The Padagogy Wheel is all about mindsets; it’s a way of thinking about digital-age education that meshes together concerns about mobile app features, learning transformation, motivation, cognitive development and long-term learning objectives.

    The Padagogy Wheel brings together in the one chart several different domains of pedagogical thinking. It situates mobile apps within this integrated framework, associating them with the educational purpose they are most likely to serve. It then enables teachers to identify the pedagogical place and purpose of their various app-based learning and teaching activities in the context of their overall objectives for the course, and with reference to the wider developmental needs of their students.
