Прескочи на основното съдържание




Application examples


- Points

- Badges

- Leaderboards

Learners feel satisfied and engaged when earning points and climbing to the top of a leaderboard. Leaderboards also promote competition.

-    Assign tasks which earn points.

-    After completing a certain set of tasks, participants receive badges.

-    Keep track of who earns more points and badges and display it on a leaderboard.


- Bonuses

- Prizes

- Resources

When rewards are scheduled into the learning process, students feel motivated and committed.

-    Give bonuses to learners when they complete a task ahead of time

-    Give prizes for achieving first place on the leaderboard

-    Give additional resources for completing extra tasks


-    Quests

A storyline engages participants and increases their curiosity. Completing quests increases their interest.

-    Group tasks into quests and accompany them with an intriguing narrative.


-    Schedule

-    Countdown

A specific time frame to complete a task helps learners focus more on completing it.

-    Apply a schedule for the completion of tasks.

-    If learners complete a task before the time ends, they receive a bonus.


-    Immediate feedback

Giving positive feedback to learners increases their confidence and self-esteem.

-    Monitor the progress of a learner as he/she completes given tasks, and encourage them verbally to continue.


-    Avatars

-    Nicknames

Personalization gives a sense of ownership to learners.

-    Let learners design their avatars or use nicknames which will be displayed on the leaderboards.