Feminism For Kids This course is an overview of the concept of feminism. We have tried to simplify the subject in a way that it is easy for everyone (no matter their age) to understand. It is important to highlight that feminism is a deeper concept and there is much more to it than simply equality and freedom of the woman. After an introduction to the topic and its meaning, we have gathered a...
Outdoor EducationOutdoor education can be described as experiential learning in the outdoors. The term "outdoor education" is widely used to refer to a range of organized activities, which take place in a variety of ways, in outdoor environments. According to Lloyd B. Sharp, a key principle is "that which ought and can best be taught inside the schoolrooms should there be taught, and that which ca...
11 Best Exam and Assessment Platforms of 2021 (qorrectassess.com)Assessment RequirementsBefore you decide the best tool to implement for the assessment, you need to figure out what exactly you need to include. Factors to consider: How old are the students and how advanced should the application be? Will you require free-response answers? Will you require multiple-choice Q&A?&nbs...
We are building international digital teachers’ community and inviting teachers for the second LTT in Piraeus, Greece 6-9 June, 2022. Main goal is to widen the network of local schools involved in our project and reach more disadvantaged contexts. Specific goals: Continue with the upgrade of the level of training material Develop new teachers training pathways&...
Evolution of the teachers’ training initiatives before and during the pandemic lockdown Before the lockdown Before the pandemic, most of the institutions counted with long training programs for teachers (diplomas of several weeks, for example). These programs were designed for training the teachers in different areas (digital tools, pedagogical support, etc.) and are still maintained a...
Europe's Digital Decade – the digital compassMain trends for ICT competencesArtificial Intelligence Cybersecurity Internet of Things Big Data High Performance Computing 5G Software Digital Skills Test your digital skills! ONLINE SELF-ASSESSMENT TOOL - Digital skills Accelerator What digital skills teachers needs to improve? Cédric Hou...
COMPUTER A desktop computer or a laptop is required for hybrid learning. Many modern classrooms can implement hybrid learning with just laptops. VIDEO TECHNOLOGY Video technology is important for hybrid learning because many modern teaching strategies focus on student-centered learning. Apart of student-centered learning is student collaboration and active learning. If students cann...
Merry Christmas and Happy New YearEducation Out of the Box is a new consortium with a long term project plan for the creation of a closer and more positive cooperation between teachers and parents, researching the good balance between digital teaching/digital education and the other side of the wall (Non Formal Education and Outdoor Education). PRIORITIES: Innovative practices in the dig...
BASTOGNE, BELGIUM, hosted the event on 17th - 20th November where teachers had the opportunity to work together and learnThe Out of the Box Erasmus+ project welcomed more than 30 teachers from 5 countries all around Europe at the end of November 2021 for a 3-day course: the 1st European Digital Teacher (EDT) training. The course was held in the University College of Namur-LiègeLuxembourg (HENALLU...
Responsibility Disclaimer & Provision of Intellectual propertyLimitation of liability for internal content The goal of the Education Out OF The Box Website/ Platform (further – the EDU Box Wiki or platform) is to enable the sharing of knowledge and experience. The content of the EDU Box Wiki is composed by project partners’ and international community with meticulous care and to the b...